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Green facade for environmentally conscious sports wear chain

Decathlon is a French sports clothes chain represented by a total of 1,520 stores in 870 cities in 54 countries. In Olsztyn in Poland, Decathlon’s customers are greeted by a luxuriant plant wall. The construction, which was inaugurated in 2019, is the result of the chain’s high level of environmental responsibility.

Apart from the plant wall on the facade, Decathlon has also chosen to install wind turbines and solar cells on the roof, as well as rainwater pools. After visiting Copenhagen, the firm of architects chose a Nature Impact Wall. Partly because of the unique technical system which has been developed. And partly because of the large degrees of freedom the product gives in the design process. The wish was for a plant composition that varies in colour tones and texture. This gives a natural and highly organic appearance.

The French sports chain Decathlon has chosen a Nature Impact Wall for the facade on their store in Olsztyn in Poland.



100 m2 plant wall

Plant wall with harmonious shape

Growing interest in plant walls

“We have some very competent horticulturalists in house, so we quickly got down to working on the design, appearance and especially the right choice of plants. We generally find that it makes a big difference when we can invite designers to get involved in the design work of the walls, so that we achieve the desired appearance,” says Anne Mette Weng, who is Commercial Director of Nature Impact. She continues:

“At present we are experiencing a growing interest in plant walls, which provide fresh ideas for how facades can be used.” “At present we are experiencing a growing interest in plant walls, which provide fresh ideas for how facades can be used.”

Anne Mette Weng
Commercial Director in Nature Impact

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Carl Johan Larsen Chief Executive Officer
+45 23 83 26 25